Caring for Braces

Here's how to care for your braces in Midlothian

Orthodontics is used to straighten the teeth and correct the bite. Now that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, there are some things you should know about caring for your teeth and braces. Dental Hygiene While Wearing Braces Dental hygiene is a little more involved while wearing braces. To floss your teeth, work the short end…

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Fixing a Broken Bracket or Wire on Your Braces

Learn how to fix your braces in Midlothian

Your braces are a strong and effective orthodontic treatment that can give you the smile of your dreams. But there are things that can break or come loose. Sometimes a bracket or wire just comes loose. Sometimes you just can’t resist that sticky or crunchy food. Whatever the reason, it isn’t necessarily a big deal,…

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Healthy Braces and the Holidays

You can still enjoy the holidays with braces or Invisalign in Midlothian

When you got your braces on, you knew it wasn’t going to be a quick, easy process. You also were told by Dr. William that, in order to preserve oral health and ensure that your braces are on for as short a time as possible, you’d need to practice vigilant oral health. With the holiday…

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The Basics for Brushing Your Braces

Orthodontic braces need brushing just like your teeth. If your braces begin to fail, their effectiveness shall fail as well. The more care you give to them, the greater care and faster recovery time they can give to you. Simple tasks as easy as brushing your teeth more effectively can pay huge dividends for your…

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